The daydream transports the dreamer outside the immediate world to a world that bears the mark of infinity - La Poétique de l'Espace/ The Poetics of Space

Our immense gratitude towards Gaston Bachelard for his ideas, our boundless inspiration, as we try to reflect upon ourselves.

Driven by an undying love for arts, ushered by our own gained knowledge and respect for the surroundings, we re-quest ourselves: becoming a beacon of hope. A pocket of culture and nature at a Saigon’s corner, Amanaki wishes to embrace and encompass everything: the past, the present and the future.

Perhaps the present, the here and now, is the best and only pivot point upon which we teeter back and forth between the past and the future - between memories and dreams, or between heritage and projection. Thus, Amanaki wishes to become, in and by the words of the French poet/thinker, an “airy structure that moves about on the breadth of time,” for _“inhabited space transcends geometrical space.” _

Our Collections
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Art All Around

As a choice for your accommodation, we are grateful to be witnessing such transcension in your each and every stay. Ours are not simply furniture articles: a painting on the wall, a wooden cabinet, or a ceramic piece can all effectively bring us to the vast dimensions of nostalgia, sometimes unbeknownst to us. They are there for certain reasons: first and perhaps, as mental anchors for our endless journeys.

Beyond our artisan communities’ modest archives, we go on to bring in even more art, by collaborating with local art collectives and artists - to be part of more stories of inspirations. And of hopes. Thank you for choosing Amanaki.

Cultural And Exhibition Events
We usher the active roles of artists and enthusiasts alike to express themselves, to journey out, to discover perspectives that endlessly inspire you.
Exhibition | Once Upon a Time Solo by Tuyp Tran
MoT+++ is pleased to present Once Upon a Time, a solo exhibition by Tuyp Tran. Featuring new works created between 2020 and 2022, it immerses viewers in a captivating exploration of storytelling, myth, and imagination.

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