Culinary Conversation
What's New |03/07/2023amanaki icon2 minute
Chef’s Nam mission is to tell the story of NÚC through his culinary inspirations. Let's step inside Nuc kitchen and have a conversation with Chef Dong Hoang Nam.
1. How long have you been pursuing a career in cooking?
I have started my career since 2016. Until now, I have been working for 7 years and I love what I am doing inside the kitchen.
2. What made you decide to become a Chef?
I think a chef must start with a genuine feeling with food. I have a passion for discovering the ingredients and passionate about inventing new recipes to awaken the flavors of each dish. Because of that, I did not start with a specific culinary style but let myself be free to explore. I think that these ways have helped me inherit the quintessence of diverse cuisines and cook each dish with my heart and soul.
3. Can you share a bit about the style and philosophy of the restaurant's cuisine?
There will be no limit to the culinary style of Núc Concept Kitchen & Bar. We focus on the depth of each flavor, spend time researching recipes with the desire to bring harmony and balance to each and every dish.
Food nourishes the body, but at the same time enriches our spiritual life. With that belief, each of our dishes is a respect sent to not only diners, but also those who have contributed to bringing quality ingredients so that we can transform them into Nuc's culinary .
4. What is the specialty of the restaurant's cuisine?
Balance will be an important element to Nuc's dishes, but that doesn't mean we'll give up creating something new . We make the most of local culinary experiences with special feelings when experiencing outstanding culinary intersections in the lively city of Saigon. All these will be combined harmoniously to result in more than just a dish but also an enjoyable experience.
5. Can you share some details about the dishes that diners will enjoy at the restaurant?
We seek a convincing midpoint between the intimate feeling when you are re-enacted a familiar dish, and the pleasurable feeling when you have to ponder that a particular spice or herb was added. Vietnamese diners will be reminded of memories, whereas international diners will be introduced to the inspirational taste of Vietnam. That's how we reconnect the bond between food and culture through each dish.
Tags: Amanaki Thao Dien, Head Chef, Dining
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